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本文描述了如何在 CentOS 7 x86_64 系统上将 make 更新到最新版本 4.3 的步骤。首先,下载 make-4.3.tar.gz 安装包,解压后配置,使用 ./configure --prefix=/usr 指令指定安装路径。接下来,依次执行 make, make check, make install 命令进行编译安装。最后,使用 make -v 命令验证安装结果。

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图片转ico - java

这段Java代码将PNG图片转换为ICO格式的图标文件。代码首先读取PNG图片,然后创建不同尺寸(16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128)的图标,并使用`ICOEncoder`类将其写入ICO文件中。代码使用了`ImageIO`和`BufferedImage`类处理图像,并利用`getScaledInstance`方法对图像进行缩放。代码中还包含了错误处理,检查PNG文件是否存在。依赖于`image4j`库。

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java G711 编码

This Java code implements G.711 A-law compression and decompression. The `CMG711` class contains `aLawCompressTable` and `aLawDecompressTable`, arrays used for efficient encoding and decoding of audio data using the A-law algorithm. The `cClip` constant defines a clipping value for signal processing. This code provides a practical implementation of the G.711 A-law standard within a Java environment.

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Centos 一键安装MySQL脚本

该脚本用于一键安装MySQL 5.7数据库,并设置密码。脚本首先下载MySQL安装包,使用yum安装MySQL服务器,然后启动MySQL服务并检查状态。接着,获取MySQL的初始密码,将密码重置为用户自定义密码,并刷新权限。最后,配置远程登录和数据库编码,重启MySQL服务并验证配置,完成安装。脚本还提供了一个可直接执行的命令,方便用户使用。

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This article presents two methods in C++ to obtain the path and name of the currently running executable. The first uses command-line arguments (argv[0]) and string manipulation to extract the information. The second employs a custom `PathUtil` class, leveraging `GetModuleFileNameA` to retrieve the full path and then parsing it to separate the filename. Both methods provide solutions for acquiring both the executable's path and its name.

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This article provides a concise guide to common Linux commands. It covers essential functionalities including file manipulation (ls, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir), directory navigation (pwd), file content viewing (cat), text output (echo), process management (ps, top, kill), system information (df, free), searching (grep, find), permission changes (chmod, chown), archiving (tar), and downloading (wget, curl). Each command is briefly described with an example output. The guide is useful for both beginners and experienced users needing a quick reference.

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