This ASCII table lists the decimal, hexadecimal, character, and description for codes 0-127. It includes control characters (like NUL, SOH, ETX, BEL, BS, LF, CR), punctuation, numbers (0-9), and uppercase and lowercase English alphabet letters (A-Z, a-z). The table provides a comprehensive reference for the standard ASCII character set.
Linux 配置虚拟内存
This bash script creates and activates a swap file on a Linux system. It defaults to a 4GB swap file (/usr/swap/swapfile), but this size can be adjusted via a command-line argument. The script uses `dd` to create the file, `mkswap` to format it, and `swapon` to activate it. While the script includes commented-out lines for setting the swap file to activate on boot via `/etc/fstab`, this feature is not enabled by default. The script also displays the size of the created swap file using `du`.