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软路由系统怎么选择:我的 iStoreOS 之路

作者在尝试了 OpenWrt 和爱快等软路由系统后,最终选择了 iStoreOS。 爱快系统功能有限,OpenWrt 虽然强大但配置复杂且出现网络问题。iStoreOS 的简洁界面、易用性以及丰富的插件支持,特别是包含 1panel,吸引了作者。作者认为 iStoreOS 对新手和进阶用户都非常友好,易于安装和配置,功能全面,是值得推荐的软路由系统选择。

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软路由系统 iStoreOS 安装OpenClash


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Linux 配置虚拟内存

This bash script creates and activates a swap file on a Linux system. It defaults to a 4GB swap file (/usr/swap/swapfile), but this size can be adjusted via a command-line argument. The script uses `dd` to create the file, `mkswap` to format it, and `swapon` to activate it. While the script includes commented-out lines for setting the swap file to activate on boot via `/etc/fstab`, this feature is not enabled by default. The script also displays the size of the created swap file using `du`.

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tomcat 配置https 双向认证

This article details setting up HTTPS with two-way authentication for Tomcat using Java. It provides Linux and Windows scripts for generating server and client certificates using keytool. The process involves creating a server keystore, a client keystore and certificate, and importing the client certificate into the server keystore. Tomcat configuration involves modifying `server.xml` to enable HTTPS with `clientAuth="true"` and optionally configuring `web.xml` for HTTP to HTTPS redirection. Finally, the article explains client-side certificate installation and troubleshooting, specifically addressing "Invalid keystore format" errors by ensuring consistent Java versions between certificate generation and Tomcat.

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java游戏开发入门(十) -粒子特效


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java游戏开发入门(九) -音效


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java游戏开发入门(八) - 图像


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java游戏开发入门(七) - 计时器


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java游戏开发入门(六) - 变量 & UI


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